Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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Public Seminars

Presented in Smithers, BC, November 28th, 2007:
Monitoring to improve management:; Riparian buffers and stand structure in the Babine

Presented in Smithers, BC at the Smithers Symposium on Mountain Community Development, June 29th, 2005:
The Monitoring Trust: Key to Adaptive Planning in the Babine

Presented in Smithers, BC, February 23rd, 2005:
Using Risk and Uncertainty to Determine Monitoring Priorities in the Babine Watershed: the Next Step in Land-use Planning


Monitoring Projects

The majority of BWM Trust’s activities address its purpose of planning, prioritising, directing, facilitating and funding impartial monitoring research of the implementation and effectiveness of public land use plans and related natural resources management activities in the Babine Watershed.

These land use plans were approved for the watershed by the provincial government and include objectives for biodiversity, water quality, wildlife, tourism, recreation, and timber.

The BWM Trust’s field projects involve:

  • detecting negative consequences to natural resources from implementation of land use plans
  • reducing uncertainty to resource outcomes
  • developing baseline indicator data

Annual Monitoring Plan

The Trustees develop an annual monitoring planfor the Babine Watershed, guided by the Monitoring Framework. The plan identifies monitoring projects for the year.

Monitoring Framework

The BWM Trust periodically updates the Monitoring Framework with new scientific information. The Monitoring Framework provides a scientifically-based foundation that enables the Trustees to set priorities, in a logical, impartial and transparent manner. This results in allocating trust funds to monitoring research field projects which best address the effectiveness of land use plan objectives and strategies.


The BWM Trust’s activities and the results from monitoring are reported publicly on its web site. The BWM Trust also serves as a clearinghouse by collecting information on all aspects of monitoring in the Babine and making it available to anyone interested.

Project Summaries 2005-2010

The following document summarises the results from projects completed to February 2010.

Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust 5-year Activity Report and Project Summaries